CASUALTY UPDATE – EVER GIVEN – set for release

Further to our initial advice and subsequent updates, shipowners have confirmed that, following further discussions with SCA’s negotiating committee, a solution to release the vessel has now been formally agreed. The vessel and cargo are due to depart Great Bitter Lakes on Wednesday of this week, following which an Underwater survey will be carried out by Class.

It is reported that EVER GIVEN will then set sail for Rotterdam, where she is expected to arrive in about ten days, and then on to other ports of destination, including Felixstowe.

If you are aware of any involvement in this casualty and W E Cox Claims Group may be of assistance in any way, including provision of GA guarantees, arranging surveys, adjusting any potential losses &/or undertaking recovery action, please do not hesitate to contact us. As appropriate, please contact:

United Kingdom – Paul Friett

France – Marie-Laure Mirrione

Europe – John Jackson

Hong Kong – Twinnie Lai

Singapore – Paul Sansom

USA – Charles Droll

Australia – Niall Orr

If this or future casualty notices should be forwarded to any of your colleagues, we would be pleased to receive their contact details and we will add them to our Client List.

Increase in limits of liability for air carriage under the Montreal Convention with effect 28th December 2024 23/12/2024
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